Photography & Video
+507 62364661
Evelyn Soto Arismendi is an Audiovisual Communicator graduated from the Universidad Javeriana Cali in 2009. And this same year she made her first trip outside of Colombia to Buenos Aires to study photojournalism.

She considers herself a nomad, gypsy who likes to travel and stay long enough to get to know the place and the people.

Her passion for photography started in college, when she learned about the art of analog development. Among his audiovisual interests are the anthropological social record, the documentary record, portraits, landscapes and in general everyday life.

She has worked in NGOs developing communication strategies for specific projects in the social area.

In 2010 she began to be part of Féminas Festivas, a feminist collective made up of seven women friends from various academic disciplines who in 2008 work in the search for autonomous spaces for artistic and communicative creation. Speakers at local and national events have explored performance, video installation, shadow theater, experimental radio, audiovisual, musical curatorship, photography, television discourse, the translation of academic discourse and theoretical elaboration as possibilities of experimentation and reflection around themes such as feminism, gender, violence against women, ecology, monopolies, prohibitions and limitations of individual rights, militarism, capitalism, racial / sexual colonization and all hegemonic orders that prevent a full existence. Féminas Festivas participates permanently in street interventions, social and community fabrics.

In 2012 and thanks to her work with Féminas Festivas, she wrote and directed a documentary series called Relatos de Agua for the regional channel Telepacífico, and worked for several years as a photographer and freelance communicator for different organizations and cultural festivals in her city.

In 2015 she joined the project Hacia el Litoral – An Artistic collective action that travels from Cali, towards (between) the Colombian Pacific coast and Panama, in search of stories, sounds and landscapes.

Hacia el Litoral - Collective Action is an artistic practice focused on a territory that they have delimited, through the activation of two temporal groups; one located in Cali, Colombia and another in Panama City. The invitation to the people in the groups is to live the experience of tracing a territory from their own doing, in the middle of a group exercise, and then entering it, on an immersion journey. Collectively thinking about the relationships between history, territory, border, community is the basis of this proposal.

And that's how she decided to change her life and stay and live on a beach on the Panamanian Pacific coast. Here she worked as a Spanish Teacher and Freelance Audiovisual Communicator.

She currently lives in Italy, while working on her personal projects.